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Facility Use

The Shanksville-Stonycreek School District believes in the fullest and best use of the physical facilities by the local community. Use of the facilities by both school and student-connected activities, as well as by community organizations and groups, is encouraged. The use of school facilities for educational and recreational purposes, public meetings, entertainment, and political meetings by outside organizations is permitted.

The District has implemented a new online facilities scheduling system called FMX.  The system provides an easy-to-use web portal for all District staff members, community groups, and outside organizations to reserve District facilities.  From athletic facilities/fields to the cafeteria, classrooms, and stage, every facility request can be done completely online using FMX.   Registration instructions are below, and after registering, organizations  or individuals may request use of SSSD facilities.   A request must go through an approval process in the scheduling system. This is a multi-step process, but a request is not considered final until the requestor receives an approval notice from Natalie Custer. 

The use of buildings and facilities to fulfill the educational objectives of the school shall have preference over all other requests.