Junior year:
1. Meet with facilitator
2. Read all of frequently asked questions and sign contract
3. Proposals due and put into Mr. Foltz's mailbox (Last Day of February)
4. Use job search sites or newspaper to find and print an entry level job to use for project
February - May
1. Start college visits/job shadowing/meet with recruiter/community service
******Don't forget log and questionnaires when you go!
2. Start portfolio
a. Job application
b. Cover letter
c. Resume
*****Visits should be done before you start your senior year!
Senior year:
1. Meet with facilitator to go over progress
2. Finish any incomplete work
1. Hand in portfolio by end of semester.
******Must have completed portfolio in order to earn interview date
********Failure to have all work completed will result in student beginning second semester 10th period with facilitator
1. Prepare for interviews
1. Interviews
2. Turn in thank you letters on day the of your interview in senior project mailbox
Within 30 days of interview
1. All redo's must be done!